
Financial literacy and tech solutions for all.

At QUBER, we take pride in helping financial non-profits eliminate the barriers that impede their service delivery and in equipping their clients with the tools they need to make better choices with their money.
If you’re on a mission to teach Canadians financial literacy, we’re here to help you. By adding QUBER to your organization’s existing program, you can maximize your results and ensure that your clients are learning to practice good financial habits long into the future. With QUBER, you can reward your clients’ progress through an automated match-based savings program, facilitate direct grant payments and keep records of their purchases through receipts they upload on the app. These features can help your clients learn to stop spending money impulsively, teach them how to monitor their expenses and influence them to get in the habit of saving money on a regular basis.

low-to-moderate income non-profit

80% of low-to-moderate income users continue to save with QUBER after 6 months.

QUBER offers your clients a practical solution to their financial challenges, and equips them with the tools they need to make long-term changes to the way their manage their money.

Cultivate long-term positive financial habits

Cultivate long-term habits

Ensure your clients leave your program with the know-how they need to continue to grow their savings and to practice positive, long-term financial habits.

Excellent customer service

Leverage our team

We have a top-notch team that’s here to help your staff get up to speed, assist your clients with onboarding and handle any questions you may have in between.

Grow your savings

Kickstart savings

Reward your clients’ progress and incentivize good behaviour by offering them cash incentives for completing a personalized Group Saving Challenge.

Innovative tech solutions for financial non-profits

Utilize innovative tech solutions

Teach your clients practical, meaningful skills that will help them navigate the world of online banking and mobile financial management.

Foster financial independence

Foster independence

Teach your clients how to take control of their personal finances by encouraging them to set financial goals that will keep them motivated to stay on track.

Practice basic financial principles

Practice basic principles

Offer your clients a chance to get in the habit of saving money regularly, meeting financial goals and avoiding impulse shopping.

Interested in learning more?

If you’re interested in learning more about how QUBER can maximize your non-profit program’s results, leave us your contact info and we’ll be in touch.