Elevate Your Financial Game in 2024: Empower Your Money Moves

Hey there, QUBER community! As we gear up for a brand-new year, it's time to rally together and transform the way we handle our finances. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned money saver, QUBER's here to help you supercharge your money game in 2024!

December: Laying the Groundwork for Financial Triumph

Let's kickstart this journey by setting the stage for financial success:

  1. Budget Mastery: Invest an hour to craft a 2024 budget – if you don’t have a method, try our user-friendly bucketed budget technique. By the end of this activity, you should understand for every pay cycle, how much money comes in and how much money goes out.  This is time seriously well spent, and your future self will thank you for it. Email us if you need help getting started!

  2. Subscription Assessment: As you craft your budget, take a close look at your subscriptions—streaming, memberships, apps. Align them with your goals and cancel those that don't add value. Redirect those funds to what truly matters to you.

  3. Unlock Financial Wellness: Match-based programs for short-term financial goals is becoming one of the top benefits across Canada and the US.  If you aren’t part of the lucky ones already receiving company matches towards your saving goals, share this opportunity with your HR team!  Remember - those who don’t ask, don’t get.

Strategic Money Moves for 2024

1.     Regular Budget Check-Ins: Dedicate just 10 minutes every time you get paid to review how much money is coming in and how much money is going out.  Go the extra mile and check off when a payment is made so you know exactly what expenses are left for that cycle.  By doing so, you’ll know what is left to spend and will avoid bank fees.

2.     Mindful Spending: Be intentional with your purchases. Prioritize needs over wants and visualize the impact on your financial goals. Try rewarding yourself once a week instead of once a day.  You’ll be amazed at the difference this makes.

3.     Debt Dodge: Steer clear of high-interest debt like payday loans, buy now pay later, or hefty credit card balances.  If you don’t have the money, don’t buy it. If using a credit card for rewards, commit to clearing the bill each month.

4.     Bank Fee Awareness: Keep an eye out for unnecessary bank fees, like overdraft charges, Insufficient Funds fees, and ATM withdrawal charges.  North Americans are spending billions on bank fees per year!  That missed money could be used towards saving for your goals.

5.     Community Connection: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals passionate about financial growth. Their support and shared experiences can be incredibly empowering.  There is nothing worse for your finances than trying to keep up with the Jones’s. 

6.     Savings Goals: Challenge yourself to surpass your 2023 savings in 2024. Incremental progress creates significant results over time.  People who save with QUBER start out saving about $40/month and end up saving about $200/month on average.  They too did not think they could save money, but with small tweaks they were able to!

7.     Continuous Learning: Embrace opportunities to expand your financial knowledge through workshops, books, or online resources. Knowledge is a powerful tool on this journey.  We ❤️ Felicia Higgs Walker new book – “Paid on Friday, Broke by Tuesday”.  Find it on her website along with other great resources!

8.     Emergency Fund Readiness: Establish an emergency fund to cushion unexpected financial hits.  It’s your safety net for peace of mind.

9.     Seek Expert Advice: Don't hesitate to seek guidance from financial experts or mentors. Their insights can steer you toward financial success.

2024: Your Year of Financial Empowerment!

By incorporating these proactive strategies, you're paving the way for financial independence and growth. Remember, every step counts on this journey. Step into the new year with confidence, armed with the will and determination to transform your financial landscape.

Here's to an empowering 2024 filled with financial achievements and newfound empowerment! 💪🏾


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